Utah's Green River Expedition

Currently this page is to be viewed as only a template until a more definite timeline and agenda is agreed upon. Anyone interested in joining us on this trip needs to contact Brian via email at: bne@bellsouth.net .

Thursday, October 26, 2006

2nd GR Meeting (Minutes)

December 10, 2006


Though still not carved in stone, we pretty much concluded that a trailer will be utilized for hauling boats and gear. Purpose: This will allow for packing the day before without any last minute hang-ups. It will prevent us from having to purchase last minute rack essentials for a van. It will allow us to rent a smaller van for comfort and better gas mileage.
Robert plans to contact someone he knows about a possible good deal on a rental van.
Brian plans to contact Enterprise Rentals about van/vehicle quotes as well.
Resources: Barry has access to 2 trailers and Brian has a pontoon boat trailer. On another day we will determine the best trailer for the trip and begin to prepare it for the long haul. Though we did not discuss it in great detail, I think we should split the costs for any material required to prepare the trailer. Such things as tires. bearings, bearing buddies, and grease may be needed.

We set up another deadline for funds. By the end of February we agreed on the amount of $230.00 to be deposited into an account that either Robert or Barry will establish. $130 of the deposit will be utilized upon an agreed time for the shuttle service that will be required. The other $100* (non-refundable) will be utilized towards gas for the trip. Should anyone have to back out, this will provide a cushion for those making the trip and prevent the group from accruing additional costs per person unexpectedly. We decided that it would be appropriate for us to be added to the account so each of us could attain a debit card for future use on the trip for those that make it.

Travel Route Considerations
This was not discussed in great detail but we talked about the possibility of taking a scenic route and the possibility of taking different routes to and from our destination. I just added this as to keep this idea floating around for future debate and consideration.

Other Considerations
Barry informed us of the possibility of a trip date change due to his new job he began recently. Therefore the trip date will remain tentative until Barry can determine his vacation dates. Barry, correct me if I'm wrong, but did you say you would know by February?

* Should we set up a deadline after February to make the $100 deposit non-refundable or should our February deadline be the deadline to make it non-refundable? Send feedback to everyone.

If I failed to include something please inform me/us. I will post this on the website this week.


First GR Meeting (Minutes)

The group decided to look into the possibility of finding a 15 passenger van upon Daniel's proposal. No decision was made as to how to transport the kayaks.
If needed, Robert and Daniel agreed to rent kayaks in Moab if necessary to help with space
The group agreed to drive in shifts and go nonstop.
It was agreed upon to leave on Thursday afternoon of May 31st and try to arrive in Moab by Friday night.
Saturday morning would be spent at the outfitter and spent getting additional supplies if necessary.
We plan on being on the water by Saturday afternoon with transport to Ruby Ranch(June 2nd) with the outfitter of Barry's choice
Scheduled pickup will be on the 8th near the confluence
The group agreed to stay overnight in Moab and leave on the 9th. Driving in shifts on the way home was also agreed upon.
The group agreed on a Nov 1st deposit deadline of $125 to everyone who was making plans on going.
Barry agreed to open up an account to place money in and also agreed to look into getting an exact cost from the outfitter.
The group also agreed on a March deadline for withdrawal.
Total cost for the trip was not set.
If there is anything I missed, let me know.